Tuesday, November 08, 2005

New video: The Halloween Experiment
This was supposed to be quick test to make an animated Halloween video. I got a little carried away when shooting it (with a digital stills camera) and I ended up with 717 photos. Then I had quite alot of work to do in Photoshop editing just about every one of them. However I had to throw away quite a few of them when editing the video because of all the mistakes I made, so the final video contains 439 stills. It didn't turn out to be such a great video (it was better in my head), but I had a lot of fun trying and it was a great learning experience. Besides, I got more ideas I want to try later.

Runtime: 1 minute, 7 seconds
Size: 5MB
Format: WMV

More Halloween vlogs can be found at: Halloween VlogFest 2005